Still sometimes it is important to understand how the gears work.
I was looking through the Suit Combinations missing 1 point on Bridge Guy's and felt that some of their answers were off so I decided to check them myself.
I ran the first example by hand before turning it over to Richard Pavlicek's Card-Combination Analyzer.
AKQ9 v x :
BridgeGuys: Finesse the 9 which works 6% of the time.
- JTx: 5-3 split is 47.1, 12/112 comb -> 5.05%
- JT: 6-2 split is 17.1, 2/56 comb -> 0.61
- Total: 5.66%
Finesse: theoretically 0% and JT onside in any combination is obviously 24% ( 1/2*12/25).
- JT onside: 0.3%
- JTx onside: 2.52%
- JTxx onside: 32.7 * 15/70 -> 7.01%
- JTxxx onside: 41.7 * 20/112 -> 8.41%
- JTxxxx onside: 17.1 * 15/56 -> 4.58%
- JTxxxxx onside: 2.9 * 6/16 -> 1.09%
- JTxxxxxx onside: 0.08 but 0% if AKQ9 in dummy
- Total: 23.99%
Card Combination Analysis
North: AKQ9
South: x
Case Group West East Ways Ratio Percent
1 B JTxxxxxx - 1 252 0.08
2 B JTxxxxx x 6 3276 1.07
3 B JTxxxx xx 15 14040 4.59
4 B JTxxx xxx 20 25740 8.41
5 B JTxx xxxx 15 21450 7.01
6 AB JTx xxxxx 6 7722 2.52
7 AB JT xxxxxx 1 936 0.31
8 Jxxxxxx T 1 546 0.18
9 Jxxxxx Tx 6 5616 1.84
10 Jxxxx Txx 15 19305 6.31
11 Jxxx Txxx 20 28600 9.35
12 Jxx Txxxx 15 19305 6.31
13 Jx Txxxxx 6 5616 1.84
14 J Txxxxxx 1 546 0.18
15 Txxxxxx J 1 546 0.18
16 Txxxxx Jx 6 5616 1.84
17 Txxxx Jxx 15 19305 6.31
18 Txxx Jxxx 20 28600 9.35
19 Txx Jxxxx 15 19305 6.31
20 Tx Jxxxxx 6 5616 1.84
21 T Jxxxxxx 1 546 0.18
22 A xxxxxx JT 1 936 0.31
23 A xxxxx JTx 6 7722 2.52
24 xxxx JTxx 15 21450 7.01
25 xxx JTxxx 20 25740 8.41
26 xx JTxxxx 15 14040 4.59
27 x JTxxxxx 6 3276 1.07
28 - JTxxxxxx 1 252 0.08
Groups and Totals 28 256 305900 100.00
A Drop 4 14 17316 5.66
B Finesse 7 64 73416 24.00
C 0 0 0 0.00
D 0 0 0 0.00
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Software created by Richard Pavlicek
Web site:
Conclusion: unless you have splintered it is very difficult for LHO to know to split when you lead towards the AKQ9 so the 3/1 odds are very favourable. When you lead from dummy it is clearer for RHO to split but is it as high as 75% of the time?
AKQ9 v xx:
BridgeGuys: drop the JT which will work 24% of the time
North: AKQ9
South: xx
Case Group West East Ways Ratio Percent
1 B JTxxxxx - 1 42 0.26
2 B JTxxxx x 5 390 2.42
3 B JTxxx xx 10 1170 7.27
4 B JTxx xxx 10 1430 8.88
5 AB JTx xxxx 5 715 4.44
6 AB JT xxxxx 1 117 0.73
7 Jxxxxx T 1 78 0.48
8 Jxxxx Tx 5 585 3.63
9 Jxxx Txx 10 1430 8.88
10 Jxx Txxx 10 1430 8.88
11 Jx Txxxx 5 585 3.63
12 J Txxxxx 1 78 0.48
13 Txxxxx J 1 78 0.48
14 Txxxx Jx 5 585 3.63
15 Txxx Jxx 10 1430 8.88
16 Txx Jxxx 10 1430 8.88
17 Tx Jxxxx 5 585 3.63
18 T Jxxxxx 1 78 0.48
19 A xxxxx JT 1 117 0.73
20 A xxxx JTx 5 715 4.44
21 xxx JTxx 10 1430 8.88
22 xx JTxxx 10 1170 7.27
23 x JTxxxx 5 390 2.42
24 - JTxxxxx 1 42 0.26
Groups and Totals 24 128 16100 100.00
A Drop 4 12 1664 10.34
B Finesse 6 32 3864 24.00
Conclusion: This may just have been a typo as it is the double finesse that works 24% of the time.
AK9x v Qx
BridgeGuys: Drop JT which will work 10% of the time
This is the same calculation as above.
Conclusion: If the opponents give count the most somnolent opponent will split JT so the drop is the best chance.
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