* His Twitter avatar from shortly after the hit
Horses are weight-bearing creatures. Humans have used them for their speed whilst carrying weigh over short distances for millennia. Why then does the handicapper expect a pound mass to make a difference in a handicap race?
Just for fun, why did the kitten fall off the roof?
Things in motion tend to stay in motion. It would be more worrying if the ball stopped a few feet away because that would mean that the pitcher's skull had absorbed the energy of the moving ball. Whereas if the ball travels to the outfield then little of the energy can have been absorbed by the pitcher's skull.
F = m*a. Or force = mass by acceleration. Weight only affects horse when they are increasing speed. Ironically this means that over two straight course*, the extra mass carried has a larger affect on the shorter course.
* Presuming a flat race as jumping is a form of acceleration even if the horse slows down before jumping.
Because it only had a little mu.
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