In [2]:
%pylab inline
from matplotlib import mpl,pyplot,colors
import numpy as np
import itertools
The next cell imports the or and and operators. We then give these more convenient names for when we call them in the future.
In [3]:
import operator
OR = operator.__or__
AND =operator.__and__
In [4]:
# list
class Prob(object):
def __init__(self, vals):
self.vals = vals
def values(self):
return self.vals
def size(self):
return len(self.vals)
def function(string):
def f(x):
return eval (string)
return f
def combs(a,b):
"""returns all combinations of two probability objects"""
return list(itertools.product(*[a.values(),b.values()]))
class Dice(Prob):
def __init__(self, sides = 6):
Prob.__init__(self, arange(1,sides+1))
# check if a value is odd
def odd():
def isOdd(n):
return n % 2 == 1
return isOdd
# check if a value is even
def even():
def isEven(n):
return n % 2 == 0
return isEven
class Coin(Prob):
vals = ['Heads', 'Tails']
def __init__(self):
# check if a coin came up 'Heads'
def heads():
def isHead(side):
return side == 'Heads'
return isHead
# check if a coin came up 'Tails'
def tails():
def isTail(side):
return side == 'Tails'
return isTail
def evaluate(t1,t2, op):
# get all combinations of the probability objects
each = combs(t1[0], t2[0])
# turns true or false into +/-5 for Colour Map
def g(x):
if x:
return 5
return -5
# run the rules on the elements of each and use op to combine them
bools = [op(t1[1](element[0]) , t2[1](element[1])) for element in each]
# use g to convert to number
# convert list to numpy array so it can be reshaped
zvals = np.array([g(boolean) for boolean in bools])
return zvals.reshape(t1[0].size(), t2[0].size())
In [5]:
def show(a,b,op):
zvals = evaluate(a,b,op)
plot(a[0],b[0], zvals)
def compare(d1, d2, rule):
c = combs(d1, d2)
print [(x,y, eval(rule)) for x,y in c]
def g(x):
if x:
return 5
return -5
zvals = np.array([g(eval(rule)) for x,y in c]).reshape(d1.size(), d2.size())
plot(d1,d2, zvals)
def plot(p2,p1,zvals):
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
# make a color map of fixed colors
cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(['blue','red'])
norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
# tell imshow about color map so that only set colors are used
img = pyplot.pcolormesh(zvals, cmap = cmap,norm=norm)
#pyplot.grid(b=True, which='major', color='black', linestyle='-')
m = max(p1.size(), p2.size())
px = p1.size()
xlocations = np.array(range(px))
xminorlocations = np.array(range(px))+0.5
py = p2.size()
ylocations = np.array(range(py))
yminorlocations = np.array(range(py))+0.5
pyplot.xticks(xminorlocations, p1.values(), rotation=0, size=15)
ax.set_xticks(xlocations, minor=True)
pyplot.yticks(yminorlocations, p2.values(), rotation=0, size=15)
ax.set_yticks(ylocations, minor=True)
grid(True, which='minor', linestyle='-')
Creating Our Probability Objects
A coin or dice can be created by calling Coin() or Dice() respectively. A different-sided dice can be created by pass ing a number to Dice(). Here we will create a 12-sided dice.
In [6]:
d = Dice()
d12 = Dice(12)
c = Coin()
Creating (Probability Object, Rule) 2-Tuples
An n-tuple is similar to a list with n objects in it. We are going to create 2-tuples so we can pair a Probability Object with a rule for evaluating it.
In [7]:
c = Coin() # created in above cell
head_rule = c.heads()
print "Heads is", head_rule('Heads')
print "Tails is", head_rule('Tails')
t = (c, head_rule)
For dice we call Dice.function and pass it a string such as 'x < 3'.
We can use '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '=', and '!='. The last meaning not equal.
To use specific numbers we could pass 'x in [1,4]' or alternatively to avoid those numbers we could use 'x not in [1,4]'
We can use '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '=', and '!='. The last meaning not equal.
To use specific numbers we could pass 'x in [1,4]' or alternatively to avoid those numbers we could use 'x not in [1,4]'
In [8]:
r = Dice.function('x not in [1,4]')
print "One is", r(1)
print "Two is", r(2)
Getting Combinations
We can use combs(a,b) to get all the combinations of two probability objects.
In [9]:
# Coin and Coin
In [10]:
# Coin and Dice
combs(Coin(), Dice())
In [11]:
# D4 and D6
combs(Dice(4), Dice(6))
Visualise It
First we need to ste up some tuples. Then we call show(a,b, operation) to see the chart.Remember that operation can be AND or OR
In [12]:
t1 = (d, Dice.function('x<3'))
t2 = (c, Coin.heads())
t3 = (d, Dice.odd())
t4 =(d12, Dice.odd())
show(t1,t2, OR)
In [13]:
show(t1,t2, AND)
In [14]:
# D6 odd or D12 odd
In [15]:
# D6 odd and D12 odd
Comparing Probability Objects
The compare method takes two probability objects and a mathematical statement involving x and yI will produce the following:
- The sum of x and y is not 3 or 4
- x times y is divisible by 3
- The sum of x andy is greather than 4 but less than or eaual to 8
- x is more than one smaller than y
In [16]:
compare(Dice(),Dice(),'x+y not in [3,4] ')
In [17]:
compare(Dice(),Dice(),'x*y % 3 == 0')
In [19]:
compare(Dice(),Dice(),' 4 < x+y <= 8 ')
In [21]:
compare(Dice(),Dice(),'x+1 <y')
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