
Monday, 9 January 2012

Finding Anagrams With Neo4j (Returnable Evaluator)

I have a Neo4j database with 128,985 words from The English Open Word List. Each word is stored as 'node' and 'done' are in the video below. The ideas here was not to solve anagrams but to solve a problem where multiple pieces of information had to be found at a node. Here that means does this word have exactly 1 'n', does this word have exactly one 'o', and so forth.

To find anagrams of a word, I created my own implementation of ReturnableEvaluator.

// Comment
  * 10. Check we are not at the start node
  * 20. Check the multiset is not empty
  * 30. Get the current nodes relationships of thype HAS_LETTER and iterator
  * 40. Check the iterator is not empty
  * 50. For each relationship
  * 52. Get character from the node at the other end of the relationship
  * 54. Check how many times the character is in the multiset
  * 56. Does the value on the relationship match the value in the multiset?
 public boolean isReturnableNode(TraversalPosition pos) {

  // 10. Check we are not at the start node
  if (pos.isStartNode())
   return false;
  // 20. Check the multiset is not empty
  if (multiset.isEmpty())
   return false;

  // 30. Get the current nodes relationships of thype HAS_LETTER and iterator
  Iterable rel = pos.currentNode().getRelationships(RelTypes.HAS_LETTER);
  Iterator iter = rel.iterator();

  // 40. Check the iterator is not empty
  if (!iter.hasNext()){
   return false;

  // 50. For each relationship
  while (iter.hasNext()){
   // 52. Get character from the node at the other end of the relationship
   Relationship relationship = iter.next();
   Node otherNode = relationship.getEndNode();
   Character c = (Character)otherNode.getProperty("letter");

   // 54. Check how many times the character is in the multiset
   Integer characterCount = new Integer(multiset.count(c));

   // 56. Does the value on the relationship match the value in the multiset?
   if (characterCount > 0) {
    if (!relationship.hasProperty("occurrences")){
     return false;
    } else if (!characterCount.equals((Integer)relationship.getProperty("occurrences"))){
     return false;
   } else { 
    return false;


  return true;

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