West leads the K♠ and East follows with the 2♠ You win the trick and cash the K♦. How do you continue? You have ten tricks with 6♦+2♥+A♠+A♣. If hearts are no worse than 4-2 then you have the entries to establish the hearts. How do you cope with 5-1 hearts? |
You are going to have to ruff twice in dummy. You can ruff one spade with the A♦ but one of the ruffs will have to come in clubs. This means you cannot discard a club on the hearts. Instead you discard a spade (the shortshake) and after AK♥ and a heart ruff, exit to West on a spade and discard a club. Ruff a spade high, ruff a club low, and finesse in trumps to recover the trump trick.
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