
Friday, 6 July 2012

Nfl Match Reports to Pdf

This program is similar to my Races To Pdf program. When you run it you get the following screen: 

You choose the teams you want in the PDF and click on the 'Create Pdf' button. If you would like to relive the Tebow roller coaster, you can download a sample for the Broncos season here.

You can download the jar file from here. Below are the instructions for running a jar file.

Here are the steps I took on my computer:

1. Go to the command prompt. This can be found by searching for 'cmd'.

2. Type "java -version" to check if you have Java installed. This can also be done on this page, which also doubles as the place to download Java if you do not have it installed.

3. Use the command 'cd', change directory, to go to the directory where you have placed the jar file. For me this 'c:\java' so I typed 'cd c:\java'.

4. Type 'java -jar nfl.jar' and the PDF file will appear in the same directory as the jar file after a short time - about 15 seconds per team clicked on my computer.

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